Material- issues
- I am worried about chemicals in plastic, are products from Daloplast safe?
Our material suppliers have strict controls in their production processes and they also make tests on their materials. Daloplast also test all our materials, which might be in contact with food with help from third party test laboratories according to the strict demands from the European regulations.
All our plastic products are produced in our production facility in Sweden.- What is a phthalate?
It is a plasticizer, which is mixed in the PVC plastic to make it soft, but it is harmful to the human body. Daloplast does not produce any products of PVC or use any packaging material that is produced by PVC. Therefore you will not find any phthalates in products from Daloplast.
- What is bisphenol A (BPA)?
Bisphenol A is mainly used to produce polycarbonate (PC) but is also used as a substance to make other plastics hard. The reason is to make the plastics tougher against impact and also to be better against acids and oils in higher temperatures. Unfortunately BPA can be harmful for the human body.
- Do any of Daloplast products contain bisephenol A (BPA)?
No, none of our items contains BPA. All transparent items, which are produced by Daloplast, are produced of the material SAN plastic and not Polycarbonate.
- What does the material symbols on Daloplast products mean?
Read about this under the tab material on the webpage.
- Recycle
All products, which are produced by Daloplast, can be recycled. We do not produce any item of so-called thermoset such as Melamine etc. and therefore all our products can be recycled.